Weekly Math Updates

June 6, 2007


  • Investigations Math Integration to ASD Schools
  • In God We Trust Poster Update
  • How are Children Testing in our State?
  • Media Articles
  • Humorous Site & Star Wars

Investigations Math Integration to ASD Schools

I know a few of you are in schools that are going to try and integrate Investigations math with Scott Foresman Addison-Wesley. I need to know which schools are going to attempt that. Please reply back to me of any you are aware of.

In God We Trust Poster Update

I spoke with Vern Henshaw today and he has informed the three administrators over all the ASD schools that if they are asked by any of the principals about accepting the posters that they are to accept them and at the school level deal with the issue of passing them out and/or posting them in the classrooms. I know a few of you had principals that would not take the posters without district approval so please contact them asap and let them know to contact their supervisor for the OK.

How are Children Testing in our State?

An interesting article appeared online at Time.com that graphically shows the score difference between the number of children passing state exams versus the number passing national exams. Utah has a 43 point gap between children passing the two exams. Said another way, where 73% of our children pass the state exam, only 30% of them can pass the national exam illustrating how weak our state test is. This is NOT unique to Utah and you can see the whole story on this next link. Also click on the "Reading" link to see how states are doing in that area.


Media Articles

Scores Up Since 'No Child' Was Signed by Amit Paley in the Washington Post

Chester E. Finn Jr., president of the District-based Thomas B. Fordham Foundation and who has criticized the law's implementation, said the study showed that academic performance is moving in the right direction even though much remains to done.

"It's not champagne time," Finn said. "But it's not sackcloth and ashes time, either."

Schools streamline how math is taught by Jessica Blanchard in Seattle PI

Lessons will now be taught using the conceptual "Everyday Math" books, which help students discover algorithms on their own and explore multiple ways to solve problems, and the more traditional "Singapore Math" books, which help hone students' basic computation skills through repetition and problem solving. Teachers will follow the district's guidelines for the order the lessons would be taught.


Parent M.J. McDermott asked the board to hold off on making a decision until the state's math standards are revised next year.

"If Seattle Public Schools adopts 'Everyday Math,' we will be right back here in a couple years, looking to find a new solution," she said. "It will be money wasted."

The World's First Air-Powered Car Will be Available by Next Summer!

Now this is cool!!! An air powered car that can hit 68 mph and has a range of 125 miles and can be refueled for about $2. The kicker price tag is a surprising $12,700. The catch? It's glued together and built in India... Check it out though. It's pretty impressive for first generation technology.

Humorous Site & Star Wars

I just had to share a couple of sites with you this week. I stumbled on a podcast called "Ask a Ninja" and just had to laugh at what this guy comes up with. He's got quite a delivery style and some crazy commentary. Most of his stuff is G rated but the Will Ferrell interview and a couple others are more PG. Check out his website and be sure to watch his Pirates 3 review and Film Ninjoir clips. If you don't like them or think they're too warped...well, you'll understanding something about what happens to a child that grows up watching Star Trek and the Muppets during the same impressionable time span.


Also, if you're a Star Wars fan, there's a new TV show coming out and it looks to be interesting. There's actually two, one CGI animated which is the below link, and then a live action TV show of Star Wars. Here's a link to the trailer for the cartoon.

The Clone Wars

Till next week,

Oak Norton


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