OK, now you're going to get some of my own opinions injected with the comments
from others. My biases and personal experiences will be fully exposed here
along with comments from real survey takers. I found the responses
to this question very interesting and I have put to the left, the overall
score the respondent gave the math program as a point of reference. Please
at least skim down the whole page. There are some very interesting comments
made by poll takers.
The question that was asked of people was if there was anything about the
Investigations Math program they would like to change.
I.Math Rating |
Survey Responses |
Oak's Comments |
2 |
Get rid of it! |
3 |
Needs a strong mixture of traditional with Investigations math or another program to replace this one. |
10 |
nothing |
10 |
My daughter has had Investigations for 3 years. It is the best approach to teaching math because of the multiple strategies which are allowed. Her end of year test scores are very high. I really have appreciated Alpine School District adopting this program. My daughter has excelled in it. I am a graduate from the Alpine School District and I am amazed at the learning in math that has went on in comparing how math was taught to when I went to school.
One thing I would change is that the District would require ALL teachers from Elementary School to High School teach based on Standards Based Math which Investigation is based upon.
It appears that you have some reservations about Investigations. Please call me to discuss this if you are interested in finding out how Investigations has been a great program. |
10 |
Have junior high teach it like they are supposed to |
10 |
Great. Should have done this when I was in school. |
10 |
Wow, love it! |
10 |
I wish I could have learned this way. My kids know way more than I do. |
(I will refrain from the obvious comment as it would be rude) |
10 |
Nothing. The changes that have been made over the past couple of years have been very helpful to me as a parent. I enjoy reading the parent notes and seeing the examples of student thinking. It is nice to see many perspectives and strategies are accepted and built upon. |
10 |
Math rules |
10 |
People like you who are afraid of change |
1 |
More math repetition and teaching of basic math facts. Kids do need to memorize their times tables, learn methods for solving problems, and then they need to solve a lot of problems. I support doing a lot of real world examples to show math applications, but not when the children have not been taught the basic skills of how to solve these problems. I have a Masters in Engineering with a Minor in Math, and my children would be flunking mathematics if not for the time that my wife and I spend teaching them math facts and explaining to them how to analyze and think about a problem in order to solve it. It does not get any better in High School either. My daugher took Honors Pre-Calculus (which uses Investigative Math) and I explained almost every problem to her. She is a 4.0 student. My son in going into 10th grade next year and he will not take Honors Pre-Calculus because you don't learn enough. I think it is interesting that the high school only teaches Investigative Math in the Honors classes. Of course, these students do well in Investigative Math; they are the best and the brightest. This only shows that the District is trying to show the benefits of Investigative Math by only offering it to the brightest students in High School. It should be discontinued at all levels. |
3 |
Teach them concrete facts first. After they can multiply and divide proficiently, then give them the opportunity to estimate, etc. |
1 |
Drop it and go back to the traditional method! |
7 |
Yes, basic skills are missing. Luckily We have had teachers that add that to their curriculum.
I have noticed if a child is a strong reader the investigations is not as difficult. For weak readers it is an extreme discouragement. If children start the investigations from kindergarten it seems to be more beneficial than if they start it in later grades |
4 |
I think there are some good things about investigations math but it should not be taught exclusively. Traditional methods should be used also. You need a mix to truly prepare the kids. |
2 |
Get rid of it. My children that have been taught more traditional math have excelled in most areas and levels of schooling. The Investigations program does not teach math, but rather tries to teach social and psychological interaction and expression. Math is not that way - it is a "pure" science and should be taught as to how to deal with problems and solutions. If it keeps going this way, we will seriously consider private schooling for our younger children. |
1 |
Use it to supplement traditional math, not the other way around. |
3 |
They don't spend enough time on the basic math skills. They hardly work on their times tables, etc. |
4 |
There is so much negative baggage attached to the program that it has become a hopeless recovery effort by ASD. Investigations has some great concepts but so many parents are up in arms about it that it will continue to be a distraction for ASD for as long as it exists. Blow it up and start over fresh. Supplement traditional math with the best strategies of Investigations. The worst thing is half the teachers still do not buy in to it, and it shows in the classroom. The kids get bored so fast listening to the strategies of other kids, especially when those strategies are misguided. Again, cut the losses and start fresh. |
What a crazy teaching method. Let other children explain their "long" ways of doing problems to other kids rather than show everyone some of the shorter, faster methods. That doesn't mean kids shouldn't struggle a bit to figure out concepts, but lets not waste away their education reinventing the wheel as each and every child has to figure out why multiplication is faster than addition. |
1 |
I am very unhappy with Investigations Math. As a result I am very unhappy with the school and school district. |
3 |
My 6th grader (who is in the ALL program) does not know her multiplication as well as my 4th grader (whose teacher has taught the multiplication tables on her own). I am extremely concerned that my 6th grader will not be prepared with some basic math facts throughout her life. There are some good things about the Investigations program. I can see that it teaches children how to think about math. However, the program seems to teach to certain types of learning styles and not to every style. It may teach very well to those who had difficulty with the traditional programs. The biggest weakness of the program is the definite lack of basic math facts (such as the times tables) that are used throughout life. I would like to see a combined approach that integrates the best of both the Investigations program as well as a more traditional program.
Marilyn Bunderson - you may use my name |
2 |
Teach math facts, traditional math right along with it so they get the best of both methods. I honestly think you have to know traditional math before you can understand the underlying "whys". |
2 |
Have this program be a supplement, not the main way of teaching. Our children did sooo well with the Saxon math. They struggle with X's table and other simple math. Ridiculous! |
8 |
Kids still need to memorize times tables and learn to do long division. They will use these skills the rest of their lives. |
1 |
I find that my children who are entering the higher math levels are at a severe disadvantage because their learning at the building block levels was so poor. I have a 12 year old and a 13 year old. Because we moved here from the Jordan district my 13 year old made it through elementary without having to do any investigations math.(He started in sixth grade in the Alpine district.) He took the Jr. High math test and was able to place with a very high grade and enter right into the non-investigations algebra class in seventh grade. My second son started in the alpine school district in 4th grade. Although he scores in the very high percentile for his age, his math abilities compared to my other son are greatly lacking. He is also taking the Jr. High algebra test, and I will be interested to see his scores. My third grader is struggling with times tables although her math scores are also high. This worries me greatly because I know it will affect her math skills in the future with division and algebra. At home we are trying to teach our kids the old math principles- for example, how to carry in addition and subtraction. My children's learning abilities are severly limited especially in this area, and I see that it affects their ability to come up with correct math scores consistently. I am pleased with the Alpine school district as compared with Jordan School District in every area, other than math. I think they excel across the board, but I think they are doing a severe diservice to hundreds of students in the math department, one that they will be critiqued on for years to come. |
1 |
I hate investigations! Children will not walk around with beans in their pockets to figure out answers to math problems. I don't understand why traditional math isn't "good enough" when that's what we, as parents, grew up with. The Alpine School District gets a "kickback" for using Investigations. That statement came directly from a teacher in the Alpine School District. This "new math" is ridiculous and I feel like I have to start at the kindergarten level just to help my Kindergartener, 3rd grader and 4 grader. |
I contacted the entire school board via email on June 16th about this and at the July 19th school board meeting I discuss on the updates page, I have learned the board didn't receive my email (though the district site said my message was sent) and that they claim the Investigations program was paid from out of their "leeway" funds and not from the National Science Foundation giving them money to implement Investigations, and more importantly that they're not under any contract to continue with the program. They can switch at any time. |
3 |
More rote memorization of the math facts. They get into junior high and are lost because they don't know the facts well enough to move into pre-algebra, algebra. I have been very fortunate that my daughter's 5th and 6th grade teachers have taught her to learn the math facts. She still struggles with the math program, even though she is a very bright student. |
7 |
I have opinions both positive and negative about the Investigations Math program. Negative comments: I feel that the teachers have not been able to appropriately teach the math program when it first began. My daughter would come home with not enough instructions for her homework, which made it difficult as a parent to help her. On the other hand, my son has had an excellent math teacher that does both the Investigations Math and traditional math in class. He is able to complete his homework easily and has grasped the concepts enough that he helps his younger brother figure out his math homework. They are able to rationalize their answers and "see" why 7+3 = 10. But I would like to see more traditional math being incorporated into the classroom by simply drilling them with their multiplication and division. |
There is a lot to be said for memorizing facts. Not only does memorization give you quick recall, but it makes the mind sharper and better able to think critically. The concept that children should have to "figure" things out to develop critical thinking skills is way off base. They should be given all the tools they need and then challenged with even harder problems that put those tools to work. |
9 |
I love the way it teaches them to "fiqure out and explore different ways of arriving at the answer, but I also feel they need to memorize certain things like multiplication tables, etc. My child is able to figure out the way to the answer, but it is sometimes very SLOW,compared to "just knowing it. Overall I am very pleased with this math program! It would be nice to combine with some traditional math! |
1 |
The answer to questions 7 and 8 for my children is "confusing". Mostly because of investigations I am putting my children in Lincoln Academy. They are going to use Saxon Math. We love Saxon Math! |
5 |
I think the investigations program works okay, but there are many times that I think the children need to know the traditional as well. My child learned her multiplication tables in third grade because she had a teacher that taught both methods. I have heard of other children her same age that are now ending 4th grade and do not know quickly what an answer to a multiplication problem would be. |
7 |
In many ways I like the program. My children seem to have a good concept of numbers and can add large numbers quickly in their heads. However, it sometimes seems a little to easy and I'm not sure that all of those complicated ways of adding the numbers really are superior to the simple column adding. I also feel a little concerned about where this method of math ends up and will they get to college and be in a mess? I am also open minded to new ideas and feel that the completely traditional math was lacking. |
I agree, traditional math has its drawbacks. See the pages following this one for a comparison. |
1 |
I have no idea what the school district was thinking when they adopted this system. How do they expect young children to understand things like fractions and pre-algebra when they have not learned how to add, subtract, divide, etc. I know some parents who have not taken math for many years, and are really struggling to teach their children how to do the math problems they are bringing home. I personally pull out my college math books and spend time teaching my children how to figure out the math problems. |
10 |
I love the investigations Math program but feel that parents need to be trained. Investigations teaches children to think and problem solve not just recite facts. Math facts are important however but children need to be able to see different ways of solving problems. |
3 |
I think basics like times tables and basic arithmetic |
6 |
"Now where is that caps lock key????" |
4 |
I have 2 children in elm school. One is great w/ this math because he is very analitical (which is not normal for a 4th grader) the other struggles because she is not. They need to compensate in some way for the kids who need solid facts before they start investigating. Also, my sister moved to W Virginia and was given a book by the teachers there to re-teach her kids basic math skills. |
I wonder how much different my life would have been if I'd attended elm school? Maybe my "bark" would be worse than my bite. (sorry, I couldn't resist--it's an Oak thing)
Really though, here's a real world example of "how do our kids compare" and it's pathetic. |
2 |
The program would work a lot better if the teachers were trained better. The impression I get is that the teachers don't really know what they're doing. My son comes home with questions, and I'll ask him if the teacher showed him how to do this or that, which would help with the assignment, and he'll say no. I feel like they are not learning the basic math concepts that will help them do this "new" math. |
This has been true in my personal case as well and among my neighbors. Children ask their teacher for help showing them how to do it, and the teachers in an effort to make the kids think, don't tell them. They ask questions like "how do you think it ought to be done?" Then they congratulate them for recognizing a way to do it.
Last year my 3rd grader was frustrated that one boy in her class was getting all the multiplication answers when the teacher would ask the class a math problem. I asked if she hadn't learned her times tables and she didn't know what they were. When I picked myself up from the floor, I spoke with her teacher at a parent-teacher conference and was told point blank regarding the times tables, "that's not part of the investigations math program. The smarter kids will just memorize it over time as they do multiplication problems."
I didn't ask what the "dumber" kids were supposed to do since our math program was obviously going to handicap them for life. |
5 |
Teaching the fundamental skills first to build a foundation, then generalize skills they've learned through programs like Investigations Math. |
Asking a child how they arrive at an answer and asking them to explore other ways to get that answer is part of the joy of discovery. However, when we make the journey itself the "end" and not the "means to an end" we fail to give students the satisfaction of the journey being led with a proper guide. Too many students are going to get lost on the exploration without someone to give them a better path to their destination. Teachers need to be experienced guides, not cheshire cats asking which direction the students want to go as if the path doesn't matter as long as the students finally arrive. |
9 |
Include memorizing times tables along with investigating how they work. |
1 |
This program is more homework for the parents than it is for the kids. They send home a two page explanation with every assignment. I work a full time job as well as my husband and I really don't need homework at night. I also feel this program is not teaching the fundamentals of math. When these children are taking the core tests at the end of the year, they are failing in the math section because the core test is not the same math as the investigation math, therefore the kids don't know how to do it. I don't know about you, but 2 + 2 seemed to work just fine when I went to school. We need to get back to the basics. My high school aged son is excellent in math and he did not have this program in grade school. I am afraid that when my younger children get into Jr. High and High School they will not be able to understand because they are not learning the basic math principals. |
2 |
I asked for tutoring for my child. I was told the district did not have a program. This has been very difficult because we moved into the area and my children had been taught traditional math. I also feel the math teachers at the Junior High do not care whether your child succeeds. |
5 |
Learn times tables & division rules before needing to apply them. |
3 |
Go back to the basic math, and not investigations at all |
1 |
Add traditional methods such as times tables. In math, rote memorization is not necessarily a bad thing. |
7 |
The District has tried to bring a more balanced approach to our math program. My school has integrated some of the more traditional elements into my children's work. I some times question how they teach long division, 4 digit subration, etc. Across the board the computation aspect is weak in investigations but the logic and problem solving is stronger than in traditional math. I am excited to see my 2 boys who excel in math have a deeper understanding of mathematical principles. My oldest child who only was taught using traditional principles lacks a deeper understanding because his teachers focused on memorization. He really struggles with word problems. This is typical of most traditional programs so I am not in favor of returning to a strictly traditional math program. P.S. Thanks for organizing this survey. I would like to see the results posted on your website if possible. |
This comment comes from a School Board member. |
1 |
This program is good in the fact that it teaches the child that there are different ways of thinking about a math problem, but I hate it because I can't help my student do his homework because I'm not really sure what they are asking for in an answer. Math, in my book, is pretty clear cut. There is a way to get the answer and a way to check it. Frankly, this year my second grader was so confused on subtraction. I couldn't help him. I tried to explain it the way I knew how, and he would tell me that it wasn't the way the teacher told him. I finally taught him my way and told him to ignore the teacher. How sad is that? I really wish that they would ban this program. I have heard that California schools used this program and then banned it. Shouldn't we use other schools examples? |
1 |
I think the concept of the Investigations program is good. However, I feel it should be a supplement to traditional math. I feel that the Alpine School District is doing a tremendous disservice to their students in the math area. |
1 |
Using words,pictures,or numbers to show your work. Also, showing 2 examples of the math problem. |
1 |
I would like them to go back to the math that we did when we were kids. |
1 |
I feel that my child (and others that I have talked to) have a hard time understanding and or comprehending the homework, and I as a parent have the same problem. trying to figure out what the teacher wants I feel is my homework. |
3 |
Get rid of it!!!! |
1 |
I dislike this math so much that I pulled my child out of school this year and enrolled him in a private school. I personally know several other families that have done the same. I had a different child in a private school already and her ability at a second grade level was way above his ability at a 4th grade level. He had been at Highland Elementary from the beginning and could not subtract one large number from another, multiply, or divide with much success. He was trying to do one of his homework division problems and (this problem was one number divided into an another evenly divisable number, like 12 into 144). After 20 minutes of aggravation another older boy who is in your accelerated learning program dropped by our home. We asked him to show our son how he would solve the same problem. After he spent 20 minutes he asked us for a calculator. I would like to mention that my child receives excellant grades in math. Math that he is unable to do. After a semester of traditional (saxon) math at a private school he is feeling much less frustration and his own ability to look at a problem and solve it has been greatly improved. I understand the concept behind this program but I think it has failed our children and I don't know of a single parent that is happy about it. Several parents in our neighborhood have hired tutors or are spending time after school to home school math. Other parents I know are looking at private schools or charter schools. One parent said, "I don't know for sure where my child will be next year but I know he won't be doing investigations." |
This is indicative of another story I am aware of. An individual I spoke with told me that on his street in Lindon, there are FOUR former PTA presidents that have all pulled their kids out of public school over the investigations math program and put them all into charter schools where they're learning on the Saxon math method. His feeling was that even if investigations math was an "A" program, the school district should get a "C-" for implementation. |
5 |
Investigations could be much greater if they coupled the instruction with more traditional math instruction. As a math teacher, I believe the students need more instruction in learning their times tables, etc. Too many of today's students don't even know 6 times 8 without using (a) a calculator, (b) their fingers, or (c) both. |
I don't know if this person is a teacher in our district or not, but all I can say is AMEN. I have been appalled at the number of students that can't do simple, let alone complex math problems without a calculator. If we're really concerned with kids understanding why a solution works, lets take away the calculators and have them really start learning! |
1 |
Return to a traditional math program what is understood and better taught by our teachers. It is about to late for my children but lets help the younger ones. |
** Most important pages to read (all have value but if you will only read
a few pages make it these)
* Very important